Rickshaw Go

—Transport from your hotel to destination inside Takayama city center—

You can call Rickshaw to pick you up from your hotel and go to city center of Takayama by rickshaw. You can experience Japanese old style of transportation. 

What is a rickshaw?

A rickshaw is a vehicle designed to transport people with human power. In Japan, it was mainly used as a means of transportation from the Meiji era to the early Taisho and early Showa eras, but it is still used at sightseeing spots. 
The first rickshaw used for sightseeing in Hida Takayama was in 1970. 


  • Meeting point: Happy Plus Desk or your hotel
  • Travelers: 1~2
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Inclusions:
    • Rickshaw ride fee
  • Cancellation policy:
    • 10-8 days before tour starts 20%, 7-2 days before tour starts 30%, 24 hours before tour starts 40%, one day before tour starts 50%, late or after the tour 100% 
    • If the tour is canceled due to bad weather conditions, notice will be sent by e-mail at 1 day before the tour date. Tour fee paid will be fully refunded.
    • A flight delay or cancellation certificate is required to request for rescheduling or refund.
  • Others:
    • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
    • Not recommended for guests who have heart disease or other serious medical conditions 
    • This experience requires good weather. If it is canceled due to poor weather, you will be offered a date change or a full refund
    • The rickshaw driver can not speak English
    • Rickshaw is a two-seater, other passengers may have to wait for the rickshaw when there are more than three people participating


Rickshaw Go (about 20 minutes) 4000 yen / person